BB331A - Hainaveld Cattle Farm, Botswana [Ref BB331A]
Leasehold registered under Title Deed
The ranch is situated within the Hainaveld cattle ranching block areas, close to Central Kalahari Game Reserve.
Can be accessed via Makalamabedi village off Maun-Nata road.
The farm is for livestock production.
Sections of farming block is still predominantly cattle farming with a few converted game farms and the recently introduced copper mining area licenses located eastwards of the farm.
The subject is accessed from gravel and sandy roads. Tarred road is only 25km from Maun and the rest is off road access.
Water is obtained from an equipped borehole with PVC pipe reticulation to watering or game drinking pools.
Mains is not available for connection on the property. Alternative power source for this area is generally solar and diesel generator powered.
No mains sewerage. Sewerage disposal is by way of soak aways.
Hainaveld farming block is highly dependent on Maun market for its goods and services including facilities of schools, shops and medical facilities. There is a newly erected veterinary fence for the Hainaveld block for anticipated green zone livestock status, about 20km past Samedupi village from Maun.
The Maun market hosts the BMC Maun Abattoir with storage, slaughtering and cold storage facilities.
Newly developed is the Ngamiland abattoir and Batawana Beef Abattoir which cater for the areas of Hainaveld and surrounding villages with an export market particularly into the northern neighbouring region.
Eastwards of the Hainaveld towards Toteng, several farmlands have been converted to copper mining areas.
Zone 5 under Khoemacau Copper Mine is one such example with cattle farms compulsory acquired and compensated for mining licensing.
The climate of the area is semi-arid with highly variable and unreliable rainfall of below 500mm per annum. The average temperatures ranges between 16°C in winter and 40°C in summer.
Soils: Area lies within the bedrock of karoo sedimentary rocks and basalt known as the Kalahari beds.
The altitude of the area is approximately 1000m and flat.
The vegetation is mainly Acacia tree and bush savannah, with significant patches of broadleaved woodland.
Due to the presence of cattle in the area wild animal life has been reduced to Elephants, Kudu, Ostrich, Steenbok and Duiker, all species that have high tolerance to humans.
No surface water resources are available in the area except for the seasonally filled Pans. The ground water aquifers are slightly to moderately saline.
The entire farm is mostly fenced in gum poles and dropper's poles.
an equipped borehole with water reticulation via PVC pipeline to a 5000 jojo tanks.
The dwelling and other ancillary buildings are in a fair state.
Fencing is well maintained.
A fairly developed cattle farm with the basic features required for an operational game farm, set in the Hainaveld farming area, approximately 140km southwards of Maun.
Improvements on farm generally consist of a dwelling, and a well maintained game fence, farm house and a one drilled borehole on the farm.
Taking into account the geographic positioning of the subject farmland by way of its proximity to the Central
Kalahari Game Reserve, a noteworthy trend within this neighbouring block of farms is cattle farms have now been converted into game lodges operations indicating their enterprise potential fully realized.
Recently been valued and Report available.
Botswana Connect Properties

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